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We often think that if someone else would change what they do, we would be happy.  This is not true. We have to change ourselves to be happy.  The unhappiness we carry, sometimes hidden from the world, shows up as depression, anxiety, anger, insomnia, moodiness, and/or loneliness, to name but a few of the symptoms we experience when unhappy. It does not have to be this way for you. You can change!  The choice is yours.  Individual counseling is a unique relationship with a professional who cares about you in a way that no other human can.  In individual counseling, your counselor:


  • does not judge you  

  • empathizes with everything about you

  • guides and teaches

  • listens so deeply that you feel heard

  • is honest, straightforward, and direct

  • esteems you above him or herself

  • does not give up on you

  • protects you from yourself

  • celebrates your successes with you


In individual therapy, you are the focus.  The real you is welcomed, and encouraged, to be present. The counselor is always on your side and the therapeutic relationship is pure, untainted by the past, and hopeful for the future, whatever it may be.  



When a long term committed relationship losses passion, it feels like love has gone out of the relationship for one or both of the partners.  Daily living becomes a struggle, and fighting causes bitterness, distance, and a desire to escape it all. Couples therapy gives you the skills and knowledge that it takes to bring your relationship back to the way it felt in the beginning and to change the mistakes that have caused pain for both partners over the life of the relationship. 


Weekly appointments are necessary for optimal progress.  Ninety minutes is recommended for each couples session.  Two hours is recommended for the initial treatment session to accommodate the therapist's need to obtain the history of the relationship and to bring immediate help to the couple.


At C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc., couples are encouraged to be real, honest, and sincere with themselves, each other, and their therapists.  We want to help you reclaim your romance and grow stronger in your bond of love.


Couples counseling is for persons involved in a romantic relationship, whether dating or married. Premarital counseling is available, and is highly recommended for young couples looking to come together in a marriage that minimizes the struggles of becoming one in harmony of will, mind, and desire.



Parents often find that raising a family has its own unique difficulties in the different stages of growth. In the early years it depletes energy, interferes with your sex life and causes arguments surrounding parenting. In later years, a child may act differently than expected and cause disharmony among family members. Family therapy helps to restructure the family so that compassion, love, and acceptance guide the family's interpersonal relationships. 


Family therapy requires no less than ninety minutes. It is wise to spend two hours in the beginning of therapy to accommodate the therapist's need to obtain the history of the family and to bring immediate help to the members involved.  Weekly appointments are necessary for optimal progress.


Relationship Building Workshop


In this two hour workshop, families take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test to learn about their four primary personality characteristics, which makes them do what they do and say what they say. The self-awareness that this test provides helps individuals learn to accept themselves and understand the differences of others.  This workshop can be very helpful with understanding and working with adolescents.

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