C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc.
Children Have All Rights: Legal, Educational, Emotional
C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc. is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) agency currently serving Southern California families and communities. C.H.A.R.L.E.E. is an acronym for "Children Have All Rights: Legal, Educational, Emotional." For over 35 years, the mission and work of C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc. has been to empower youth, families, and communities within a culturally diverse environment by promoting resiliency and individual, family, and community responsibility. For more information about resiliency and responsibility, read the block statements below.
At C.H.A.R.L.E.E., our philosophy is rooted in the belief that children and families benefit from effective, timely, and compassionate services tailored to the persons needs. Through an array of services, C.H.A.R.L.E.E. seeks to maximize individual and family strengths, heal relationships, and restore wellness. We offer relevant, multi-cultural, evidence-based, and evidence-informed treatment modalities that help improve emotional and behavioral regulation, as well as relationships.
A persons ability to recover, heal, or "bounce back" from difficult or traumatic life experiences is known as resiliency. While there is much research about resilient individuals and the trait of resiliency itself, it is still unclear which life factors contribute to resiliency. It is thought, however, that positive coping skills and supporting, caring relationships are major contributing factors to one's resiliency. Consequently, at C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc., we teach positive coping strategies, and we encourage and offer healthy, supportive, and caring relationships.
Research has suggested individuals who take ownership and assume accountability for their happiness and their lives actually tend to experience happier and more fulfilling lives. This is the course of responsibility that empowers and engages people. Of course, things happen that are beyond any person's or family's control, and that is why resiliency is beneficial. C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Care, Inc. helps people develop and embrace personal and familial responsibility, which translates to community responsibility and involvement.